Saturday, August 29, 2015

Mike Flatley's 2024 Defensive Driving Courses

(Live) Zoom Defensive Driving Courses for 2024

                           * (LIVE) ZOOM COURSES NOW AVAILABLE*

                                                      *GREAT NEWS*

A recent change in the law regarding the Senior Driving Program says effective July 1st you can now take the 4-hour for the initial course.  The 8-hour is no longer a requirement.

        For those that would like to take the course from the comfort of their home, and have a computer, tablet or smart phone I have scheduled Zoom courses.  For drivers age 55 and older.  Below you will see a schedule I have put together.  Class materials need to be mailed so early registration is suggested.  Keep checking back for additional dates or feel free to call me at 218-750-3189 or by email at 


Wednesday (Morning)
December 11th
9am to 1pm

Wednesday (Evening)
December 11th
5pm to 9pm

The instructor is retired Minnesota State Patrol Trooper Mike Flatley.  The cost of the course is $15.00.  To pre-register call 218-750-3189 or by email to



Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ask a Trooper: Christmas shopping.

     With Christmas shopping nearing an end there will be a lot of last minute shoppers traveling along roadways and around parking lots.  Often the stress of the making time for shopping, post office runs, planning travel and social events leads to tension on the road and in parking lots.
     In a recent trip we made to get provisions and do some Christmas shopping we observed numerous incidents of parking lot rage.  Cars speeding around parking lots like they're being timed in an obstacle course while families attempt to make safe passage into the store and back again.  One driver yelling at another because that driver took the parking space he felt should have been his. That was just one example of many that occurred that day.
     Being the kind of guy that I am when we go shopping I will drop my wife off at the front door then drive around like everyone else looking for a nice close parking space close to the door.  I don't compete with other drivers for parking spaces.  Many people are in just too much of a hurry which is one of the major causes of rage. So, if they seem to want the parking space frightfully more than I do they're welcome to it.  There will be others.
     There are a number of ways to repress a lot of that anger before you get behind the wheel.  Use your time wisely by organizing how you do your shopping and other tasks.  Plan your shopping trip before you go so you're not making two or three trips that could have been done in one.
     If you plan on traveling this holiday season plan your trip well ahead of time and give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.  It's always a good idea to check weather and traffic conditions before you leave.  Make sure you take a winter survival kit in case you get stranded and most importantly make sure everyone in the vehicle is buckled up.

This Ask a Trooper column was pulled out of my archives from when I was a Public Information Officer for the Minnesota State Patrol.  It was slightly edited from it's original format.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ask a Trooper

     Have you ever noticed that when you're having a bad day, no matter how bad it is, sometimes all it takes is a smile from someone else to turn things around.
     About 30 years ago I had one of those days and it was a day I would never forget.  I was working the freeways of downtown Minneapolis running from crash to crash red lights and siren. Back then the siren was built into the light bar which of course sat on top of the squad car above my head. It was so loud in the car that our dispatchers couldn't hear me unless I turned the siren off.  So you can imagine how my head felt after four hours of that.
     When the action slowed down I decided to head up to the freeway around north Minneapolis, where it was a little quieter, and work some traffic. I was sitting along the side of the freeway when I noticed an SUV traveling a little too fast so I decided to pull him over.  As I walked up towards the vehicle I could see the driver in his outside rear view mirror.  The guy had this big smile.  Now, this is not something that we normally see when we walk up to a vehicle during a traffic stop.  People are not usually excited about this type of event in their life.
     As I got closer I could see the driver's face a little better.  I thought to myself, I know this guy.  But it can't be.  I walked up to the driver's side window, looked in, and sure enough it was him.  He asked me if I needed to see his driver's license and I said no.  I believe I know who you are.  We talked for a little bit then I sent him on his way advising him to slow down a little.
     As I walked back to my car with a big smile it was if the first four hours of my shift had never happened and my headache was gone.  I thought to myself this guy has a gift where he can make someone feel good about themselves.
     He once said "Don't take life for granted, tomorrow isn't promised to any of us."  Wise words from someone who grew up in the projects of Chicago to become one of the greatest baseball players of all time.
     The man I have been talking about was Kirby Puckett.  Even with the personal problems Puckett faced after retirement Minnesota has never found an athlete so beloved.
     So the next time you hop into your car remember not to take life for granted.  Drive with common sense, buckle up and make sure everyone else does too.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hello and welcome to MN Defensive Driver. I'm Mike Flatley retired Minnesota State Trooper. I host defensive driving classes in Gilbert, Hibbing and Grand Rapids and other areas throughout the region.. Please book mark my blog as I will be adding additional information, class times and dates often. I will be also adding the "Ask a Trooper" articles I have been writing since 1998 for newspapers around northern Minnesota.  You will see new ones and some of my old favorites.  If you know of anyone who would benefit from the classes please refer them to the blog or have them email me at

History: I began my duties with the State Patrol, in 1988, patrolling the freeways of downtown Minneapolis. In 1990 I transferred up to the Arrowhead region of northern Minnesota where I grew up.  Some of my other duties included security for dignitaries.  I assisted providing security for Governors Jesse Ventura, Arne Carlson and Tim Pawlenty.  I was assigned to the security detail for Russian Premier Gorbachov when he came to Minneapolis in 1989.  During the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul I was assigned security at the Minnesota State Capital complex.  I became the Public Information Officer for District 3100 out of Virginia, MN in 1998.  A position I held until retirement in 2009.

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Mike Flatley